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Monitoring Node & System Health With Node Problem Detector

The Node problem detector is crucial for NodeJS logging, helping developers efficiently identify and resolve issues. In this blog, we’ll learn how Alerty's NodeJS logging solution integrates with the Node problem detector and highlight its features and advantages. 

Learn how this powerful combination can enhance your monitoring and troubleshooting processes with Alerty’s NodeJS logging.

Table of Contents

What Is the Node Problem Detector

man working hard alone - Node Problem Detector

Node problems in a Kubernetes cluster can disrupt applications and impact user experience. Issues like hardware failures, kernel panics, or unresponsive container runtimes are challenging to detect early and remediate. The node-problem-detector tool addresses this problem by making various node problems visible to the upstream layers in the cluster management stack.

Node-Problem-Detector Reporting Mechanisms

  • Event: Reports temporary problems with limited impact on pods
  • NodeCondition: Reports permanent issues that make the node unavailable for pods

Supported Problem Daemons: Monitoring Node Health

The node-problem-detector consists of multiple problem daemons, each responsible for monitoring specific node problems. The supported problem daemon types include:

  • System Log Monitor
  • System Stats Monitor
  • Custom Plugin Monitor
  • Health Checker

This range of monitoring tools ensures comprehensive coverage for detecting potential node issues.

Improved Stability and Reliability

By leveraging the node-problem-detector to monitor and report various node problems in a Kubernetes cluster, operators can proactively address issues before they impact the applications running on the cluster. This proactive approach enhances the stability and reliability of the entire cluster, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Enhancing Cluster Management Stack

The node-problem-detector tool enhances the overall cluster management stack by effectively detecting and reporting node problems. By making these issues visible at the upstream layers, operators can swiftly resolve problems and maintain the health of the Kubernetes cluster.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

As the Kubernetes ecosystem evolves, the node-problem-detector tool adapts and improves. By staying abreast of emerging challenges and user needs, the tool remains a vital component for ensuring the stability and reliability of Kubernetes clusters. Its ongoing enhancements reflect a commitment to innovation and operational excellence in managing containerized workloads.

Key Features of Node Problem Detector

Problem Detection

Identifies node issues like disk pressure, memory pressure, and filesystem problems in Kubernetes clusters.


Logs detected issues and reports them to the Kubernetes API server for centralized monitoring and management.


Supports multiple problem daemons, allowing customization to detect various node conditions.

Health Monitoring

The Node problem detector continuously monitors the health of nodes, providing real-time alerts for immediate attention, ensuring your system's security.


The Node problem detector seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes, enhancing overall cluster reliability and stability and providing confidence in the system's compatibility.

Boost Your App's Success With Alerty

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering application performance monitoring, database monitoring, and incident management. It supports technologies like:

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js 

By leveraging Alerty, developers can quickly identify and resolve application issues, ensuring optimal end-user performance. 

Alerty monitors databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS, tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption. It features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience. Its Universal Service Monitoring covers dependencies like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's NodeJS logging tool today.

Related Reading

How Node Problem Detector Works

person looking at Node Problem Detector

The System Log Monitor acts as the vigilant watchdog of the node-problem-detector, continuously scanning system logs to identify issues and gather metrics based on predefined rules.

System Log Monitor Capabilities

  • Analyzes kernel logs
  • Reviews system logs
  • Examines container runtime logs
  • Extracts insights on node performance and health

The System Log Monitor is pivotal in diagnosing and troubleshooting node-related problems by closely monitoring these logs.

Code Snippet: Configuring System Log Monitor

One crucial aspect of making the System Log Monitor functional is setting it up correctly. Users can specify the sources from which log data will be collected by configuring the System Log Monitor.

This step is essential in fine-tuning the monitoring process to extract relevant insights and metrics from system logs. In the backend, this code snippet ensures that the System Log Monitor is set up to collect data from the kernel and system monitors, thus enabling a comprehensive log monitoring mechanism.

System Stats Monitor: Tracking the Health Metrics

While not fully mature, the System Stats Monitor is a promising feature that collects various system stats to offer insights into the node's health status. This component aims to provide multiple health-related metrics that can give users a detailed understanding of the node's performance and condition. 

By gathering these metrics, the System Stats Monitor equips users with a comprehensive toolkit to gauge the node's health accurately and take necessary actions based on the insights derived from the data.

Custom Plugin Monitor: Creating Tailor-Made Solutions

The Custom Plugin Monitor adds another layer of flexibility to the node-problem detector by allowing users to create custom check scripts for specific node-related problems. This feature empowers users to tackle node-specific issues effectively by tailoring the monitoring process to address their unique use cases.

The Custom Plugin Monitor enables users to define and check for various node problems using custom scripts, ensuring that the node-problem detector can be adapted to meet diverse requirements.

Health Checker: Verifying Essential Components

The health checker acts as the guardian angel of essential components within the node, such as the kubelet and container runtime. It's responsible for verifying the health status of these critical components, ensuring that they function correctly. By meticulously scrutinizing essential components, the Health Checker can swiftly detect any issues or anomalies that might compromise the node's performance. This verification process is essential for maintaining the node's integrity and ensuring smooth operations.

Exporter: Reporting Problems and Metrics

The Exporter is the messenger that conveys node problems and metrics to designated backends, ensuring the relevant stakeholders are well-informed about the node's performance and health. 

Supported exporters include:

These exporters cater to a variety of backend systems. By effectively reporting problems and metrics, the Exporter enhances the visibility and transparency of the node's operational status, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Setting Up Node Problem Detector

woman in a small software house - Node Problem Detector


Before setting up the Node Problem Detector in Kubernetes, ensure you have a running Kubernetes cluster and that the `kubectl` command-line tool is installed and configured to communicate with it.

Installation Options

You can deploy the Node Problem Detector as either a DaemonSet or a standalone daemon. The recommended approach is to use a DaemonSet to monitor all cluster nodes.

Deploying Node Problem Detector as a DaemonSet

1. Create the Configuration File

Create a YAML file named `node-problem-detector.yaml` containing the configuration.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: node-problem-detector
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: node-problem-detector
      k8s-app: node-problem-detector
        k8s-app: node-problem-detector
      hostNetwork: true
        - name: node-problem-detector
            privileged: true
              cpu: "200m"
              memory: "100Mi"
              cpu: "20m"
              memory: "20Mi"
            - name: log
              mountPath: /log
              readOnly: true
        - name: log
            path: /var/log/

2. Apply the Configuration

Use `kubectl` to apply the configuration and deploy the Node Problem Detector:

kubectl apply -f node-problem-detector.yaml

3. Verify the Deployment

Check the status of the DaemonSet to ensure it is running correctly:

kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system

You can also describe the nodes to see if the Node Problem Detector is reporting any issues:

kubectl describe node <node-name>

4. Monitoring and Alerts

Node Problem Detector reports problems using Kubernetes Events and NodeConditions, which help you monitor the health of your nodes effectively.

5. Custom Configuration

You can further customize the configuration by modifying the `node-problem-detector. yaml` file to include specific monitoring configurations for system logs or stats as needed.

Benefits of Using Node Problem Detector

showing how it is done - Node Problem Detector

With Node Problem Detector, common issues in Node.js applications can be automatically detected, including:

  • Memory leaks
  • CPU profiling
  • File descriptor leaks
  • Event loop lag

This saves developers significant time and effort compared to manually identifying and troubleshooting these problems.

Improved Application Performance

Node problem detectors take a proactive approach to detecting performance bottlenecks and resource leaks. Doing so significantly improves the overall performance and stability of Node.js applications, identifying issues like CPU-intensive operations and memory leaks that can degrade performance over time.

Faster Troubleshooting

When problems occur, Node Problem Detector provides detailed reports that make diagnosing and resolving issues easier. The reports include relevant data like heap snapshots and flame graphs to pinpoint the root cause of problems, accelerating the troubleshooting process.

Monitoring Integration

Node Problem Detector can be integrated with monitoring tools like Alerty to provide a comprehensive view of application health. Alerts can be set up to notify developers of critical issues in real-time, enabling proactive monitoring and faster incident response.

Reduced Downtime

By detecting problems early and providing guidance on resolution, Node Problem Detector helps reduce unplanned downtime caused by performance issues or crashes. This is especially important for mission-critical applications that require high availability.

Easier Scalability

As Node.js applications scale to handle more traffic and users, Node Problem Detector maintains performance and stability. It identifies bottlenecks and resource leaks that can occur at scale, allowing developers to address them proactively.

Related Reading

Best Practices for Using Node Problem Detector

person with a friend - Node Problem Detector

Regular Configuration Updates

Node Problem Detector (NPD) configurations must stay current with the latest Kubernetes releases to effectively detect the most recent node issues. Are you keeping your NPD configurations up-to-date to ensure optimal node health?

Custom Problem Daemons

Extending NPD's capabilities by creating custom problem daemons tailored to your specific node health requirements can significantly improve your cluster's stability. Have you considered developing custom problem daemons to address your unique node health needs?

Monitoring and Alerts

Integrate NPD with your monitoring and alerting systems to get real-time notifications and take prompt action on detected issues. Use Alerty to set up custom alerts based on the metrics provided by NPD. Define specific thresholds for:

  • Disk pressure
  • Memory
  • CPU utilization

Configure notifications to be sent through your chosen channel when specific node conditions or events are reported. This ensures that the relevant teams are promptly informed of potential issues.

Resource Management

Ensuring NPD runs with appropriate resource limits is essential to prevent additional load on your nodes. Are you managing NPD's resource usage effectively to maintain optimal cluster performance?

Documentation and Community

Regularly checking NPD documentation and the Kubernetes community for best practices, updates, and common issues reported by other users is essential. How often do you review NPD documentation and engage with the Kubernetes community to stay informed and up-to-date?

Related Reading

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users With Alerty's NodeJS Logging Tool

Are you a developer looking to streamline your application performance monitoring effortlessly? Look no further than Alerty. This cloud monitoring service caters to developers and early-stage startups by offering various services, including:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management

Why Choose Alerty

  • Supports popular technologies like NextJS, React, Vue, and Node.js
  • Helps developers identify and tackle issues efficiently
  • Monitors databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS
  • Tracks key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption

Quick Incident Management at Your Fingertips

Alerty has quick incident management capabilities that allow you to promptly and effectively address issues. By providing real-time incident updates and notifications, Alerty ensures you're always in the loop, giving you the power to take action swiftly. With Alerty by your side, you can rest assured that no stone is left unturned regarding incident management.

Real User Monitoring (RUM): Optimizing User Experience

Alerty's Real User Monitoring (RUM) feature optimizes user experience. By tracking user interactions in real-time, Alerty gives you invaluable insights into how users engage with your application. With this data, you can make informed decisions to enhance user experience and boost satisfaction. With Alerty's RUM feature, you can transform the user experience from good to exceptional.

Universal Service Monitoring: Covering All Bases

Alerty doesn't stop at monitoring your application—it goes the extra mile by covering all your service dependencies. From Stripe API to OpenAI and Vercel, Alerty's Universal Service Monitoring ensures that no stone is left unturned when tracking your dependencies. 

By monitoring these services, Alerty provides a holistic view of your application's ecosystem, empowering you to make data-driven decisions that drive success. With Alerty's Universal Service Monitoring, you can effortlessly navigate the complexities of service monitoring.

AI-Driven Simplicity: Making Monitoring Effortless

Alerty leverages the power of AI to simplify the monitoring process. By automating setup procedures and providing actionable insights, Alerty reduces the complexity associated with monitoring, making it a breeze for developers to get started.

AI-Powered Affordability and Simplicity

Alerty's AI-driven approach ensures you get a cost-effective solution that outshines competitors. With Alerty's AI-driven simplicity, monitoring your application has never been more accessible or affordable.

Integrations: Seamlessly Connecting Your Tools

Alerty integrates with popular tools like Sentry. Connecting Alerty with your existing tools allows you to streamline your monitoring efforts and ensure that all your tools work harmoniously. Whether you're a developer working solo or part of a small team, Alerty's integrations ensure you have everything you need to monitor your application efficiently.

Alerty's Comprehensive Suite of Services

  • Application Performance Monitoring
  • Database Monitoring
  • Incident Management
  • Real User Monitoring (RUM)
  • Universal Service Monitoring

Alerty equips developers with everything they need to succeed. With Alerty's AI-driven simplicity, quick incident management, and seamless integrations, monitoring your application has never been easier. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's NodeJS logging tool today!