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New Relic Pricing Model Explained (The Real Cost of New Relic)

Understanding application performance monitoring (APM) can be challenging, especially when interpreting New Relic’s Pricing structure. This blog provides a clear guide to interpreting New Relic's pricing structure, ensuring a smoother and more cost-effective APM journey.

Alerty's free APM solution acts as a compass, helping readers understand New Relic's pricing structure and tackle the challenges of application performance monitoring.

Table of Contents

What Is New Relic?

man trying to understand - Newrelic Pricing

New Relic is web-based software for full-stack monitoring. It allows you to monitor:

  • Applications
  • Infrastructure
  • Web browsers
  • Other components

All on a single platform. This tool tracks and provides real-time details of your web application's performance. Developers can analyze these to understand what causes performance issues.

Among its many services, New Relic is most famous for its application performance monitoring (APM). As a software-as-a-service (SaaS), you can fully utilize its features via the web browser. New Relic supports many languages, including:

  • PHP
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby

You can also integrate it with a cloud service like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services.

Features of New Relic

person siting alone - Newrelic Pricing

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

New Relic’s RUM feature provides insights into how users interact with applications in real-time. This data helps optimize user experiences and identify areas for improvement.

Performance Monitoring

New Relic provides continuous monitoring of application and infrastructure performance.

Synthetic Monitoring

With this feature, you can simulate user interactions with applications.

Dynamic Transaction Mapping

New Relic’s dynamic transaction mapping visually represents transaction paths within applications. This aids in understanding dependencies and identifying performance bottlenecks.

Dashboards and Visualizations

The customizable dashboards and visualizations in New Relic allow users to create personalized views of performance metrics, enhancing visibility and simplifying data analysis.

Incident Alerting

New Relic’s incident alerting feature promptly notifies teams about performance anomalies, allowing quick remediation.

Comprehensive Cloud Monitoring for Developers and Startups

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management

It supports technologies like NextJS, React, Vue, and Node.js, helping developers identify and fix issues. 

  • Alerty monitors databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS
  • Tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption
  • It features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience
  • Its universal service monitoring covers dependencies like Stripe API, OpenAI, and Vercel 

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's free APM solution today!

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New Relic Pricing Explained

person working hard - Newrelic Pricing

The New Relic pricing model is based on usage, meaning that customers are billed according to the amount of data they ingest and the number of billable users they assign. This change occurred towards the end of 2021 when New Relic switched from its previous subscription-based and host-based pricing models. This switch means customers no longer have to pay separately for each capability in New Relic. 

Customer Feedback on Pricing

Despite New Relic asserting that it offers engineering teams that build and manage distributed and hybrid applications 3X value for money, the platform's pricing has received criticism for being confusing, expensive, and unsuitable for microservices.

New Relic's Pricing Model: A Double-Edged Sword

New Relic's pricing model is usage-based, with customers billed based on the amount of data they ingest and the number of billable users they assign. The platform has received mixed reviews in terms of pricing, with some customers finding it expensive and confusing.

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How Does New Relic Billing Work?

person sitting in bar - Newrelic Pricing

New Relic Free Plan

New Relic autostarts each customer on a free forever plan. No credit card is required. The New Relic free plan offers:

  • 100 GB per month of data ingested for free
  • Unlimited free Basic Users (can query and alert on your ingested data)
  • One free Full Platform user with access to all features

If you need to add more team members (with Core or Full Platform permissions) or ingest more data, just add a credit card. You’ll be charged for any usage above the free tier.

Flexibility in Pricing

The Standard edition of New Relic requires no commitments. You can cancel at any time. You are also free to commit to an annual funds pool as your usage increases to take advantage of volume discounts on New Relic. This provides other benefits, such as monthly roll-overs, which you can use to cover temporary usage spikes.

New Relic Pricing by Data Ingested

New Relic offers 100 GB of free data ingest per month. Once you exceed that amount per month, the observability platform will charge for the extra data ingested based on your data plan.

New Relic Standard Data Plan Pricing

  • The original or standard data plan charges $0.30 per gigabyte of data you send to New Relic beyond the free limit. 
  • For an EU region data center, it costs $0.35 per GB. This covers the costs of ingesting, analyzing, and alerting on telemetry data (metrics, events, traces, and logs) with dashboards, standard data retention periods, and querying.
  • The Data Plus option charges $0.50 per GB of data you ingest into New Relic. It costs $0.55 per GB if you store your data in the EU region. 

The extra $0.20 gets you advanced New Relic Data Plus features, including:

  • Extend data retention to 90 days over your existing default retention levels
  • 3X maximum query limit (analyze up to 100 billion data points each minute and one trillion data points every 30 minutes on Data Plus versus 10 billion data points each minute and 300 billion data points every 30 minutes in the original data option)
  • 2X maximum runtime per query (120 seconds on Data Plus vs 60 seconds on the original data plan)
  • HIPAA and FedRAMP compliance
  • Logs obfuscation rules
  • Enhancements to streaming and exporting historical data
  • Multi-cloud provider support (launching soon)
  • Vulnerability management (in public preview)

New Relic Data Plans: Beyond the Basics

To use New Relic’s Data Plus plan, you must have its Core version of usage-based pricing and be using its Pro or Enterprise edition. More on that in the next section. As you move up the data plans, what changes are the retention period, and how many checks or operations can you perform on the ingested data?

3. New Relic Pricing by User

New Relic offers three types of users

  • Basic
  • Core
  • Full Platform

Your exact price depends on the number of users and permissions assigned to them. The types of users differ based on their capabilities and how often they use them.

New Relic Basic User Pricing

These are free, regardless of the number you add to your account and the type of New Relic organization plan you use (Standard, Pro, or Enterprise). A primary user is usually an engineer, product manager, or C-Suite who does not have a complete platform or core user capabilities but is interested in seeing application/system performance metrics through a shared dashboard or getting more details about an alert. New Relic includes Basic users with every edition.

New Relic Core User Pricing

The Standard edition of New Relic starts at $49 per month. Pro and Enterprise editions offer custom pricing. Core user is ideal for a developer who wants access to:

  • Advanced log management capabilities
  • Telemetry data in their IDE
  • New Relic custom apps
  • Errors inbox

Get it for developers who require insight into their code's performance across pre-production and production environments or sometimes need to work with DevOps and SRE on various issues.

Full Platform User

New Relic offers one free full-platform user, regardless of which New Relic Edition you pick. You get one full platform user with the Standard Edition, then $99 per user after. You can add up to five users with a Standard Edition. The total number of platform users is full because they can access all New Relic capabilities. They can do the following:

  • Monitor
  • Troubleshoot

They should tweak their entire stack to optimize it—from application performance monitoring (APM) with distributed tracing to infrastructure monitoring with Pixie and synthetics monitoring.

New Relic designed it for any engineer keen on ensuring production environments remain up and running.

New Relic vs Alerty Pricing

person sitting on coin - Newrelic Pricing

Alerty, a new APM tool, offers a cost-effective solution for monitoring and alerting. It is currently free to use, and you can access all features without limitations. It offers a free tier that allows developers to get started without financial commitment. 

In the long run, when Alerty starts to offer paid tiers, the platform will: 

  • Allow you to monitor your entire stack at a fraction of the cost of competitors.
  • Offer significantly lower prices compared to New Relic or Datadog, where a single database monitoring can cost around $84 per month.

This pricing strategy should particularly be appealing to startups and small businesses that require robust monitoring capabilities without the burden of high costs.

On the flip side, New Relic operates on a subscription-based pricing model that can become expensive, especially for small to mid-sized businesses. Its pricing typically depends on various factors, including:

  • Number of hosts
  • The volume of data ingested

Specific features such as application performance monitoring (APM) and infrastructure monitoring are utilized. While New Relic offers a:

  • Comprehensive suite of features and integrations
  • The costs can escalate quickly as businesses scale
  • Leading to unpredictable billing

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users With Alerty's Free APM Solution

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service tailored specifically for developers and early-stage startups. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help users keep a close eye on their:

  • Applications' performance
  • Databases
  • Incident management

This versatile platform supports various technologies, including:

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js

This makes it an excellent fit for modern tech stacks. One of Alerty's standout features is its ability to monitor databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS, providing valuable insights into critical metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption. 

Incident Management Made Easy

Alerty offers quick incident management capabilities, allowing users to stay on top of issues and resolve them swiftly. This feature enables developers to catch and address issues before they impact end-users, ensuring a seamless and robust user experience.

Prioritizing User Experience With Real User Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RUM) is another key element of Alerty's arsenal. It provides insights into how users interact with your application, which can be invaluable for optimizing performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Universal Service Monitoring

Alerty's Universal Service Monitoring feature is a game-changer for developers who rely on third-party services and APIs.

Comprehensive Dependency Coverage

Alerty covers various dependencies, including popular services like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

By monitoring these services alongside your application, Alerty gives you a holistic view of your tech stack's health and performance. This comprehensive approach can help you identify:

  • Bottlenecks
  • Dependencies
  • Potential vulnerabilities that may impact your application's performance

AI-Powered Setup

One of Alerty's standout features is its use of artificial intelligence to simplify monitoring setup. By automating specific tasks and processes, Alerty reduces the time and effort required to get up and running. This streamlined setup process also contributes to Alerty's cost-effectiveness, making it a competitive solution compared to other monitoring services. Alerty ticks all the boxes for developers and small teams looking for an efficient, affordable monitoring solution.

Seamless Integration

Alerty integrates with various popular tools and services, including Sentry. This compatibility ensures you can leverage your existing tech stack and workflows without disruption. By streamlining the integration process, Alerty positions itself as an accessible and user-friendly monitoring solution, ideal for developers and small teams. 

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, Alerty offers a free APM solution to keep your applications running smoothly. Try it now!

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