Alerty Blog

Understanding Automated Anomaly Detection, Its Benefits & Implementation

Written by Jack Dwyer | Jul 16, 2024 11:39:52 AM

 inIn application performance monitoring, detecting anomalies can feel like endlessly searching. Imagine your system running smoothly one moment and slowing to a crawl the next. This blog on automated anomaly detection will guide you through the best practices and methods for identifying and addressing these issues. 

Reveal the secrets to top-notch system performance with Alerty’s free APM solution, helping you master automated detection techniques and best practices.

Table of Contents

Understanding Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection, also known as outlier detection, involves identifying data points or events that significantly differ from the expected behavior or patterns. These anomalies can be caused by various factors, such as:

  • Errors
  • Faults
  • Fraudulent activities, 
  • Rare events 

The goal is to distinguish these abnormal instances from normal ones to gain valuable insights or take appropriate actions.

Why Anomaly Detection Matters in Complex IT Ecosystems

As digital transformation sweeps across industries, the volume and velocity of data generated continue to grow exponentially. This data deluge necessitates advanced anomaly detection techniques, making it increasingly critical for organizations relying on complex IT ecosystems.

The Need for Intelligent Automation in Anomaly Detection

Traditional threshold-based monitoring must be improved to ensure optimal performance and maximum uptime when managing thousands or even millions of metrics. Even minor anomalies can quickly cascade into major outages if not detected and remediated promptly. The potential business impact of such incidents, from financial losses to reputational damage, makes the need for intelligent automation abundantly clear.

Identifying Irregularities in System and Application Monitoring

In the system and application monitoring context, an anomaly is a data point that diverges significantly from the expected pattern. It represents an irregularity or inconsistency compared to normal metric behavior over time.

Some Examples of Anomalies

  • Spikes: A brief, sudden increase in the value of a metric
  • Dips: A brief, sudden decrease in the value of a metric
  • Outliers: Data points that fall well outside the normal range of values
  • Level Shifts: An abrupt increase or decrease in the baseline metric that persists over time

Anomalies may indicate potential problems like:

  • System faults
  • Resource limitations
  • Performance bottlenecks
  • Malicious attacks 

Identifying and responding to them quickly is crucial for ensuring stable operations.

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Common Anomaly Types In Application Performance

One of the most critical capabilities of automated anomaly detection in application performance monitoring is its ability to pinpoint unusual patterns or behaviors. These anomalies can manifest in various ways, providing essential insights into potential issues or opportunities for optimization:

Traffic Bursts: Sudden Surges in Site Visits or App Usage

Monitoring tools can swiftly detect and alert you of sudden traffic spikes. These bursts in site visits or app usage can overwhelm servers, leading to slow performance or outages. You can proactively scale your infrastructure to accommodate the increased load by identifying traffic bursts in real-time.

Latency Spikes: Brief Periods of Very High Response Times

Latency spikes indicate delays in processing user requests or serving responses. These brief but noticeable increases in response times can frustrate users and impact overall satisfaction. Automated anomaly detection tools can highlight latency spikes, allowing you to promptly investigate and rectify potential causes.

Error Rate Outliers: Unusually High Error Percentages for APIs or Pages

An uptick in error rates can signal underlying issues within your application or infrastructure. Monitoring solutions can help you spot these error rate outliers and drill down into specific APIs or pages experiencing problems. By addressing these anomalies swiftly, you can prevent further degradation of user experience and performance.

Memory Leaks: Gradual Increase in Memory Utilization Over Time

Memory leaks can gradually exhaust system resources, leading to performance degradation and potential crashes. Automated anomaly detection tools can identify increasing memory utilization trends, enabling you to pinpoint the root cause of memory leaks and implement necessary fixes before they escalate into critical issues.

Log Errors/Warnings: Upticks in Specific Log Messages Signify Issues

Logs can be a valuable source of information on your application's health and performance. Anomalies in log errors or warnings can indicate potential issues that require attention. Automated anomaly detection techniques can help you track these increases in log errors or warnings, enabling you to address underlying problems promptly.

Gaining Actionable Insights for Optimal Performance

By leveraging advanced anomaly detection methods, organizations can gain actionable insights into system observability and monitoring, enhancing their ability to maintain optimal application performance and user experience.

4 Automated Anomaly Detection Techniques

1. Statistical Methods

Statistical methods are like the old-school approach to anomaly detection. They use mathematical models to compare current data against what's expected based on historical trends. Statistical methods rely on various techniques such as: 

  • Thresholding
  • Z-score
  • Moving average to identify anomalies effectively 

The major challenge with this method is setting suitable thresholds, as they can lead to false positives or negatives. Regularly reviewing and adjusting thresholds is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of statistical anomaly detection methods.

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a more advanced approach to detecting anomalies. Machine learning techniques are categorized into: 

  • Supervised
  • Unsupervised
  • Semi-supervised learning

The main challenge with machine learning is the complexity of models and the need for large volumes of data to train them effectively. Regular model updates and high-quality data preprocessing are critical to successful anomaly detection using machine learning.

3. Time Series Analysis

Key Techniques for Time Series Anomaly Detection

  • ARIMA: Used for modeling and forecasting time series data.
  • LSTM Networks: Long Short-Term Memory Networks that excel in capturing long-term dependencies.
  • Seasonal Decomposition: Helps identify and analyze seasonal patterns in temporal data

The major challenge with time series analysis is the noise and seasonality present in the data, making anomaly detection more complex. Effective preprocessing techniques and model updates are essential for accurate anomaly detection through time series analysis.

4. Density-Based Methods

Density-based methods analyze the distribution of data points to identify anomalies in low-density regions.

Key Techniques for Anomaly Detection Based on Data Point Isolation

  • LOF: Local Outlier Factor flags anomalies based on the density of data points.
  • DBSCAN: Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise identifies outliers by grouping data points.
  • KNN: K-Nearest Neighbors detect anomalies by measuring the distance from the norm.

The challenge with density-based methods lies in handling high-dimensional data and tuning parameters for optimal performance. Dimensionality reduction techniques and validation methods can help overcome these challenges and improve anomaly detection accuracy.

Stop Application Outages Before They Start

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering application performance monitoring, database monitoring, and incident management. It supports technologies like: 

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js 

By leveraging Alerty, developers can easily identify and resolve application issues, ensuring optimal end-user performance. 

Alerty monitors databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS, tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption. It features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience. Its Universal Service Monitoring covers dependencies like: 

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's free APM solution today!

Risks of Undetected Anomalies

When anomalies go undetected over more extended periods, they can seriously impact the following: 

  • Application stability
  • Customer experience
  • Business Productivity 

Automated anomaly detection as part of an AIOps solution can help mitigate these downsides by alerting issues early for rapid diagnosis and remediation. This protects the following:

  • Application health
  • Customer trust
  • Revenues
  • Business Productivity

Revenue Losses From Site Outages or Sluggish Performance

Undetected anomalies can lead to site outages or sluggish performance, resulting in significant business revenue losses.

Poor User Experience Leading to Churn or Damage to Brand Reputation

If anomalies are not detected, they can result in a poor user experience, leading to customer churn and damaging the business's brand reputation.

Security Threats Like DDoS Attacks, Data Breaches

Unpatched vulnerabilities can lead to security threats such as DDoS attacks and data breaches, putting sensitive data and the overall business at risk.

Compliance Violations From Loss of Data or Uptime Requirements

Anomalies left undetected can result in compliance violations, such as data loss or failure to meet uptime requirements, leading to significant penalties for the business.

Inefficient Infrastructure Usage Driving up Cloud Costs

Undetected anomalies may result in inefficient infrastructure usage, unnecessarily driving up the business's cloud costs.

Challenges of Manual Anomaly Detection in Monitoring and Observability

Manually detecting anomalies in IT systems is a tough gig. 

Challenges of Managing Large Volumes of Data

  • Overwhelming volume and complexity of data
  • Logs, metrics, and traces can obscure critical issues
  • High risk of missing essential anomalies
  • Difficult to maintain effective monitoring and analysis

Without real-time insights, it’s nearly impossible to catch anomalies as they happen, leading to delayed responses and potential system failures.

Challenges of Manual Anomaly Detection

Human error and inconsistency further complicate things, as different team members might spot or interpret anomalies differently. As your IT environment scales, the manual process needs to work on keeping up, often requiring more resources and still falling short.

Context is Key to Effective Anomaly Resolution

Without automated help, understanding the context around anomalies is challenging, making it harder to diagnose and fix issues effectively. All these challenges can slow down response times and undermine the reliability of your monitoring efforts, ultimately impacting service availability and customer satisfaction.

Implementing Automated Anomaly Detection In 3 Steps

Setting up automated detection of unusual activity in IT systems needs a good plan and the proper steps, especially when handling data, building models, and keeping everything running smoothly.

1. Data Collection and Processing

To spot anything odd, you need good data. Here’s what to do:

  • Gather data from systems and tools to track their actions, like speed, errors, etc. Try to cover as much as you can.
  • Make data work together by adjusting it so everything can be compared.
  • Fill in any missing pieces. Keep data safe by ensuring only the right people can see it and protect it when it's moving or stored.
  • Remove unnecessary info that might confuse the models. Focus on what matters to keep systems safe and running well.

2. Model Development and Validation

With clean data, you can teach models to tell the difference between average and not-normal:

  • Teach models with old data, showing them what’s expected. If you’re using a method that needs examples of problems, include those.
  • Check models with new data to make sure they’re catching problems without bothering you with too many false alarms.
  • Adjust sensitivity to balance between catching real issues and not overreacting.
  • Update models to handle changes in how things work over time.

3. Operationalization and Maintenance

To keep models helpful and accurate, do the following:

  • Watch how models use metrics to ensure they’re still on track.
  • Look out for changes in your IT environment that might mean models need a tune-up.
  • Update models with new data regularly to keep up with changes in IT operations.
  • Tweak sensitivity as you learn more about what kinds of alerts are helpful.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure your IT systems stay safe, fast, and reliable.

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Advantages of Automated Anomaly Detection Systems

Automated anomaly detection systems powered by machine learning provide significant advantages over traditional threshold-based monitoring approaches regarding: 

  • Accuracy
  • Scalability
  • Efficiency

Enhanced Accuracy With Machine Learning Algorithms

Specialized machine learning algorithms can model standard system patterns and detect significant deviations indicative of anomalies. Standard techniques include unsupervised learning algorithms that establish a baseline of expected system behavior to identify outliers. These include isolation forest and local outlier factor algorithms. 

Beyond Static Thresholds

Supervised learning algorithms trained on labeled normal and abnormal data to classify new data points. These include neural networks and support vector machines. The algorithms automatically adjust to evolving system conditions over time, enabling more accurate anomaly detection than static thresholds.

Scalability Achieved Through Automation

Automated anomaly detection systems can ingest and process more monitoring data than humans analyzing dashboards. The machine learning models efficiently analyze interactions across thousands of metrics to spot anomalies. As infrastructure scales to handle more traffic, anomaly detection scales as well, ensuring continued coverage without manual configuration.

Efficiency Gains in Anomaly Detection and Response

Automated anomaly detection can identify issues within seconds or minutes rather than hours for humans poring through charts. Early detection minimizes damage, such as revenue loss from application downtime. Automated alerts with supporting insights can accelerate root cause analysis for faster recovery. Ops teams gain efficiency and can focus on higher-value initiatives.

Boost Efficiency With Alerty's Monitoring

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering application performance monitoring, database monitoring, and incident management.

Supported Technologies

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js

Key Database Metrics Monitored

  • CPU Usage
  • Memory Consumption

Enhanced User Experience

  • Real User Monitoring (RUM): Optimize user experience.
  • Universal Service Monitoring: Covers dependencies like Stripe API, OpenAI, and Vercel.

AI-Driven and Cost-Effective

  • AI Simplified Setup: Easy and quick to set up.
  • Cost-Effective: More affordable than competitors.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with tools like Sentry.
  • Ideal for Developers and Small Teams: Efficient, affordable monitoring.

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's free APM solution today!

Challenges and Solutions of Implementing Automated Anomaly Detection

Data Quality and Preprocessing

Dealing with messy data is a significant headache. Think of missing values, noisy data, and outliers that can throw your anomaly detection system off track.


Start with a solid data preprocessing strategy. 

This means:

  • Cleaning Up: Removing or filling in missing values.
  • Reducing Noise: Applying techniques like smoothing or filtering to clear up the data.
  • Normalizing: Scaling your data to ensure it's consistent and comparable.

Regularly check your data quality and set up automated validation checks to keep everything in line.

Selecting the Right Model

With so many models, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Each model has strengths and is suited to different data types and anomalies.


Experiment and test to find the best fit. Here’s how:

  • Pilot Testing: Run small-scale tests with different models to see what works best.
  • Cross-Validation: Use cross-validation techniques to assess model performance.
  • Hybrid Approaches: Sometimes, combining multiple models gives the best results.

Keep an eye on how your model performs, and be ready to switch it up if necessary.

Handling High-Dimensional Data

High-dimensional data can make it challenging for algorithms to spot relevant patterns and anomalies.


Use dimensionality reduction techniques to simplify your data:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA): This helps reduce the number of features while keeping the most crucial information.
  • t-SNE: Great for visualizing high-dimensional data in a more manageable form.
  • Feature Selection: Focus on the most relevant features to your problem.

Blend these techniques with your domain knowledge to zero in on the most critical data.

Real-Time Processing

Detecting anomalies in real-time can be a beast, especially with large volumes of data flowing in fast.


Optimize your system for real-time processing:

  • Stream Processing: Use tools like Apache Kafka or Apache Flink to handle data streams in real-time.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Cloud-based solutions can scale up or down to meet your processing needs.
  • Edge Computing: Process data closer to its source to reduce latency.

Make sure your architecture is designed to handle real-time data efficiently.

Interpreting and Acting on Anomalies

Once you detect an anomaly, figuring out what it means and what to do about it can be tricky, especially in complex IT environments.


Develop a clear framework for interpreting and responding to anomalies:

  • Contextual Analysis: Look at anomalies in context, correlating them with recent changes or events in the system.
  • Alerting and Visualization: Use dashboards and alerts to highlight anomalies and provide clear insights.
  • Automated Response: Set up actions for certain anomalies to quickly address issues.

Involve domain experts in the process to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your responses.

The Future of Automated Anomaly Detection

Deep Learning for Multivariate Anomaly Detection

Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize anomaly detection by enabling systems to detect issues by considering multiple variables simultaneously. While it requires substantial computing power and large amounts of data to train effectively, researchers continually work to streamline this process. 

Deep learning could significantly enhance anomaly detection accuracy and efficiency with ongoing advancements.

Automated and Adaptive Model Training

Traditional anomaly detection systems require manual updates and intervention to maintain accuracy. The emergence of self-updating tools that learn from new data in real time is set to automate this process. This innovation will drastically reduce the need for constant manual intervention, freeing IT professionals to focus on more strategic tasks.

Embedding Anomaly Detection Into Apps

Integrating anomaly detection directly into applications rather than keeping it separate can enhance speed and accuracy in identifying issues. This approach may simplify the detection process and introduce complexities to the applications themselves. Striking a delicate balance between integration and complexity remains a key focus area for developers.

Enhanced Anomaly Interpretation

When anomaly detection systems flag an issue, it's crucial to understand the reasoning behind it quickly. New methods are developing to explain why a particular incident was flagged as an anomaly. This enhanced interpretation capability will enable IT teams to address issues promptly, minimizing downtime and optimizing system performance.

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users With Alerty's Free APM Solution

Alerty is designed to streamline and enhance application performance monitoring for developers and early-stage startups. This cloud monitoring service offers a range of essential features that cater to the specific needs of these tech-savvy professionals, ensuring that they can optimize their performance and user experience efficiently.

Keeping Apps Running Smoothly

Application performance monitoring is critical to maintaining high-quality user experiences for your apps. If you're a developer or work in an early-stage startup, it's vital to have tools that help you monitor your application's performance metrics and ensure it's running smoothly.

Keeping Your Data in Check

Monitoring your database is crucial to your app's success, as the data stored there is the lifeblood of your application. By monitoring essential metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption, you can ensure that your database performs optimally and has the right resources to support your application.

Responding Quickly and Effectively

Every tech professional knows that incidents will inevitably happen, and being prepared to respond quickly and effectively can make all the difference for your users. Alerty offers quick incident management tools to help you identify, diagnose, and resolve issues before they affect your users.

Optimizing User Experience

Accurate user monitoring (RUM) is essential to optimizing your application's user experience. By tracking how real users interact with your app, you can identify issues, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement. Alerty includes RUM capabilities to help you deliver your audience's best user experience.

Universal Service Monitoring

Modern applications rely on various services and dependencies to function correctly. Alerty provides universal service monitoring capabilities to help you monitor critical dependencies like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

By monitoring these services, you can ensure that your application remains stable and reliable for your users.

Ease of Use and Integration

Alerty is designed with developers and small teams in mind, offering a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with tools like Sentry. This makes it easy to set up and start monitoring your application's performance quickly and efficiently. 

If you're looking for an affordable yet powerful monitoring solution, Alerty’s free APM solution is an excellent choice.

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