Alerty Blog

APM vs Observability, What Are The Differences Between The Two?

Written by Jack Dwyer | Jul 12, 2024 11:16:08 AM

This blog post explores the concept of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and its role in optimizing application performance and streamlining operational efficiency. The article highlights a comparative analysis of APM and observability, highlighting their key distinctions and areas of convergence. This analysis will also provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to enhance their application monitoring practices.

Alerty's solution, Free APM, provides readers with essential tools to achieve their objectives, such as Comparing APM and observability to find the differences and similarities between them.

Table of Contents

What Is APM?

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is a specialized form of monitoring that focuses on application performance and behavior. It provides deeper insights into

  • Application-level metrics
  • Including transaction tracing
  • Code-level profiling
  • User experience monitoring. 

With this detailed visibility, developers, and operations teams can more effectively identify and resolve performance bottlenecks. APM is particularly valuable for complex, distributed applications where traditional monitoring may need to provide more insights into intricate interactions.

Diagnosing Performance Bottlenecks with APM Granularity

Consider an e-commerce platform that experiences intermittent slowdowns during peak hours. APM tools can trace individual user transactions, pinpointing the specific application components or databases contributing to performance degradation. This level of granularity allows DevOps teams to quickly identify and resolve issues, such as inefficient database queries or resource contention, ensuring a seamless user experience. 

The Wide Scope of Observability in Monitoring

The performance of almost everything can be monitored, from websites to:

  • Mobile apps
  • Servers
  • Networks
  • APIs
  • Cloud-based services
  • Other technologies

Optimizing User Experience Through Dev & Ops Integration

APM is often used with modern applications to assess the user experience. Generally, this might mean tracking an application's load along with KPIs. Doing so enables an organization to monitor the user experience and provides visibility into how that experience changes as an application's workload increases.

Some DevOps teams incorporate APM into the application development process to avoid putting a change into production if it's found to affect performance adversely.

What Is Observability?

Observability assesses an internal system's state based on the data it produces. An observability platform helps IT operations teams observe or gain deeper insight into the health and status of different applications and resources across your IT infrastructure. By gathering insights from each system's data, IT teams can proactively:

  • Detect abnormalities
  • Analyze issues
  • Resolve problems

Unifying IT Visibility with Observability in a Multi-Layered Infrastructure

Observability tools utilize algorithms based on mathematical control theory to comprehend the relationships between systems across your company's multi-layered IT infrastructure, including:

  • Cloud environments
  • On-premises software
  • Third-party applications 

Deep System Insights through Observability

These tools then monitor the health and status of your systems using the 3 pillars of observability known as:

  • Logs
  • Metrics
  • Traces

When the tool detects an abnormality, it notifies the team and provides the data they need to troubleshoot and solve the issue quickly.

Metrics, Traces, and Logs: The 3 Pillars of Observability

1. Metrics

These represent raw performance data such as the number of CPU cycles consumed at a given moment or the time an e-commerce application takes to complete a credit card transaction.

2. Traces

These help monitor the interaction between the components constituting a complex system. A network trace can track the path packets take to their destination, while an application trace can monitor how the application's components are utilized.

3. Logs

Logs come in various forms, from informational to errors or warnings. An informational log entry might be generated when a process is created, while an error event might be logged if that process were to terminate unexpectedly.

Alerty's Free APM Simplifies Performance Monitoring

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management. 

It supports technologies like:

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js.

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's free APM solution today!

Related Reading

What Are The Differences Between APM vs Observability?

APM and observability tools can ensure a good user experience but work toward that goal differently. Observability takes the data in:

  • Logs
  • Metrics
  • Traces 

Even though the goal is to ensure a good user experience, observability doesn't directly focus on gauging it. Instead, observability applies the principles of control theory, which states that it's possible to understand what's going on with a system by examining its inputs and outputs. Examining logs, metrics, and traces collectively enables a tool to assess the application's health, which can determine if users are having a good experience.

How APM Monitors User Experience

APM works by actively collecting internal state data and data related to application response time, which correlate directly to the user experience. Some APM tools are designed to monitor the underlying infrastructure and the application, enabling the tool to analyze root cause and root causes when problems occur.

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When Should You Use APM Or Observability

Consider Observability When:

  • Dealing with complex, distributed systems.
  • Needing a holistic view of the entire IT environment beyond just application performance.
  • Emphasizing the importance of exploring and understanding system behavior in real time.

Consider APM When:

  • Prioritizing the optimization of application performance.
  • Focusing on identifying and resolving issues within the application code.
  • Seeking a specialized solution tailored for monitoring user experience and managing application performance.

Combining Observability and APM for Deeper Insights

It’s crucial to recognize that the choice isn’t always binary. In many cases, a combined approach leveraging observability and APM can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your system.

Why APM And Observability Are Both Important

Monitoring and observability are undeniably important, but they serve two different purposes. Observability can loosely evaluate the user experience but tends to focus more on an application's health. While observability isn't always the best tool for tracking the user experience, it can proactively detect and remediate issues before they become problematic.

APM focuses on the user experience. Some APM tools even monitor the user experience in specific situations, such as virtual desktop environments. 

A Collaborative Approach

It's worth noting that APM and observability are often used together. For example, troubleshooting tools designed for root cause analytics usually rely on APM monitoring techniques. They might also incorporate observability tools, such as log entries, to gain a more complete picture of what's going on with a system. 

APM vs. Observability vs Monitoring

Monitoring primarily focuses on collecting and analyzing data from systems to ensure they are functioning as expected. To detect deviations from normal behavior, it often involves:

  • Setting thresholds 
  • Alerts. 

Observability goes beyond monitoring by emphasizing the ability to understand and explore the system's internal state. It encompasses monitoring but extends into logs, metrics, traces, and other data types to provide a:

  • Dynamic
  • Holistic, and 
  • Real-time view of system behavior. 

PM's Focus on Application Performance

APM, a subset of observability, focuses explicitly on application performance and user experience. These tools offer in-depth insights into application behavior, including:

  • Transaction traces
  • Code-level monitoring
  • Performance analytics.

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users with Alerty's Free APM Solution

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups. It offers a range of monitoring capabilities to help organizations monitor their applications and databases. 

Application Performance Monitoring

Alerty's application performance monitoring (APM) functionality is designed to help developers identify and fix issues before they impact users. It supports a variety of technologies, including: 

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.

Alerty's APM solution makes it easier for developers to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and optimize their applications for an improved user experience.

Database Monitoring With Alerty

In addition to APM, Alerty also provides database monitoring capabilities for popular databases like: 

  • Supabase
  • PostgreSQL
  • RDS

Enhancing User Experience with Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Universal Service Monitoring

Alerty incorporates Real User Monitoring (RUM) into its feature set. This enables users to optimize the overall user experience by tracking and analyzing user interactions with the web application. Developers can make informed decisions to enhance usability and performance by providing insights into user behavior. 

The Universal Service Monitoring feature of Alerty extends monitoring capabilities to external dependencies such as the:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

This comprehensive monitoring approach ensures that developers have a holistic view of their application's performance and can address issues promptly.

APM Should Be Part Of Your Observability Practice

APM is essential for several reasons:

  • It gives us a clear understanding of the underlying infrastructure and its application interaction.
  • It provides a clear visibility layer that helps identify a problem's root cause.
  • APM can help identify software application bugs by collecting data, such as response times, and understanding how they affect the application's performance.
  • APM is vital to observability practice because it helps monitor and analyze application performance. 

As a business owner, you should be aware of your applications' performance. APM tools can help you monitor application performance and identify bottlenecks and issues, which can improve customer satisfaction.

Best Practices For Using APM And Observability Together

Integrate Data Sources: Seamless Integration for Maximum Insight

Integrating data sources is crucial for maximizing the insights gained from applications' performance monitoring and observability. Organizations can develop a comprehensive understanding of the application landscape by combining information from various sources, such as logs, metrics, and traces. This unified data approach provides a 360-degree view of the application, enabling teams to identify and resolve issues more effectively.

Collaboration Across Teams: Building Bridges for Better Performance

Effective collaboration between development and operations teams is key to leveraging the combined power of:

  • Observability 
  • APM

Using these tools, both teams can streamline their operations and work towards shared goals. Rather than viewing APM and observability as separate entities, organizations should promote their use as shared tools across the entire organization.

Proactive Issue Resolution: Staying Ahead to Keep Performance Optimal

Leveraging real-time insights from observability and APM can help teams proactively detect and resolve issues before they escalate. This proactive approach to issue resolution is essential for maintaining optimal application performance and ensuring business continuity. By identifying potential problems in advance, organizations can avoid costly disruptions and ensure a smooth user experience.

Continuous Optimization: Iterative Improvements for Ongoing Success

Continuous application performance optimization is critical for staying ahead in today's fast-paced digital landscape. By using insights gained from observability, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize performance. APM tools are crucial in monitoring applications in real time and providing actionable insights for ongoing optimization efforts.

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Alerty’s Free APM

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service specifically for developers and early-stage startups. This tool offers a comprehensive suite of features to help users monitor application performance effectively. From tracking database metrics to incident management, Alerty covers all bases to ensure smooth and efficient performance. 

Efficient Incident Management

Alerty features quick incident management capabilities, allowing users to promptly address issues and minimize potential disruptions. The platform's incident management functionality ensures that users can stay on top of incidents and resolve them efficiently, preventing any negative impacts on the application's performance.

Universal Service Monitoring for Comprehensive Coverage

Alerty's Universal Service Monitoring feature covers many dependencies, including popular services like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

This comprehensive monitoring approach ensures that users can keep track of all dependencies and quickly identify any issues that may arise. By monitoring these dependencies proactively, developers can prevent potential performance bottlenecks and ensure their applications run smoothly.

Cost-Effective Solution with AI-Powered Setup

One of Alerty's key advantages is its cost-effectiveness compared to competitors. The platform leverages AI to simplify setup, providing users with a hassle-free monitoring solution that won't break the bank. This affordability and the tool's ease of use and efficiency make Alerty an ideal choice for developers and small teams looking for an efficient and affordable monitoring solution. 

Users can set up Alerty quickly and integrate it with tools like Sentry, ensuring a seamless monitoring experience without unnecessary complications.

Don't wait for issues to affect your users—start leveraging Alerty's free APM solution today and take your application performance monitoring to the next level!