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Easy Frontend Monitoring

Alerty Frontend Monitoring helps you build a performant, error-free app, with AI that makes a difference. 

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Alerty's AI uses your Frontend Telemetry data so responses are more helpful


Alerty SRE Assistant

Using the AI Assistant, interact with a virtual SRE that knows your entire stack and can draw connections between your services to help you debug.

AI Analysis

Get an easy-to-understand analysis that surfaces insights from your service's metrics, logs, and traces right in your Alerty dashboard.

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Alerty Agents

You can easily spin up an Alerty Agent that is an expert in a given area. For example, assign an Agent to audit your website with the goal of increasing your sign ups.

Check out a sample report from the Database Performance Agent!

Frontend Monitoring for devs who code smarter.

Alerty is used by Frontend Engineers

See how Alerty Frontend Monitoring compares

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Estimated Spend
(100k errors & 10MM Traces + DB)

Monitor Database

Easy Install

AI Analysis

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✅ $71/mo

✅ Database Included

✅ Dev can set up

✅ Assistant & Agents

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$84/mo each host

❌ SRE Needed

Assistant & Agents

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❌ $121/mo

❌ No Database

Dev can set up

❌ No AI Analysis

  • Active Debug Assistant

    Instead of ChatGPT, use a chat interface that understands the services being monitored to help you fix errors faster.

  • AI Analysis

    Get a second set of eyes on that latest release so you can feel better sending it to prod.

  • Agents

    Deploy a team of agents to test your code, optimize your performance, critique your website, and more.

See how Alerty Frontend Monitoring compares

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 2.34.26 PM 1 (3)
  • Active Debug Assistant

    Instead of ChatGPT, use a chat interface that understands the services being monitored to help you fix errors faster.

  • AI Analysis

    Get a second set of eyes on that latest release so you can feel better sending it to prod.

  • Agents

    Deploy a team of agents to test your code, optimize your performance, critique your website, and more.

Alerty Love

“I went from no monitoring to full coverage and happy customers in 15 minutes.”

Julian Alvarez, CEO, Wisdolia

“There is no unnecessary noise and I get a handy overview of all my services to get a quick 👍”

Headshot of the quote author
Bhavana Srinivas, Principal Solutions Engineer, Netlify

“This is a dev tool with HUGE potential. Alerty Agents are BY FAR the coolest feature.”

Tim Benniks, Dev Rel Lead, Hygraph

Monitor your JavaScript App with our Frontend APM tool

Alerty product screenshot with database monitors

Database Monitoring

Monitoring for Supabase, RDS, & Postgres. Stay ahead of cpu, memory, and disk issues before your users feel the pain.

JavaScript Errors

Use our SDKs for NextJS, Node.js, Vue.js, and React. Identify performance bottlenecks and errors in your Javascript application before users are affected.

Website Performance

Identify performance issues, errors, and downtime on your website and APIs that can lead to a degraded user experience and disrupted service.

Set up your frontend monitoring in minutes!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is Alerty a better fit for me than other monitoring tools out there?

Traditional monitoring tools are built for SREs with lots of backend infrastructure serving 10s of millions of requests - and that's not a bad thing! But what if you're a dev building a JavaScript app? Well, Alerty is a monitoring tool focused on Frontend, and so Alerty is the Best Monitoring option for Frontend Engineers who want to ensure their JavaScript apps deliver a high-quality, performant, and error-free experience to users.

And unlike traditional SRE tools, Alerty will align more closely with your frontend development responsibilities. This also includes areas like web performance, conversion rates, and frontend testing.

Keep in mind, both Frontend and Backend monitoring are critical for a complete view of Fullstack application performance, and most organizations will need both.

What is the difference between front end and back end monitoring?

Frontend Monitoring focuses on the user-facing part of applications, including the user interface, browser interactions, and client-side performance. Back-End Monitoring focuses on server-side part of applications, including server performance, databases, APIs, and infrastructure..

Both front-end and back-end monitoring are essential for maintaining the health and performance of web applications and ensuring an optimal user experience.

What are some frontend performance metrics to consider?

There are a few aspects of Frontend Performance  to consider. These include:

1. User Experience (UX):
You will want to measure how users interact with the application, including click paths, form submissions, and navigation flow.

2. Performance Metrics:

Page Load Time: How quickly the entire webpage loads.

First Contentful Paint (FCP): Time taken to render the first piece of content.

Time to Interactive (TTI): Time until the page becomes fully interactive.

3. Error Tracking:
You will want visibility into JavaScript errors, failed resource loads, and client-side validation errors.

4. Usability:
Monitoring elements like responsiveness to user inputs, screen rendering issues, and layout shifts.

5. User Engagement:
Tracking metrics like user sessions, bounce rates, and scroll depth.

Is Alerty actually a Frontend Monitoring Tool?

Absolutely, you’ll be happy to know that Alerty excels as a front-end monitoring tool!

Alerty is a perfect fit for helping with Real-Time Performance Tracking, JavaScript Error Detection, and Performance Insights.

Alerty has Real-Time Alerts and Incident Management built in and integration is simple with Alerty's SDKs for popular JavaScript frameworks.

Can I start using Alerty now?

Yes! Alerty is open to users and we are adding features weekly. The best way to get started is to sign up. Every couple of weeks we'll update you on new features. Also join the discord! In the discord, you can chat with the Alerty team, chat with Alerty (!), and talk to other devs like you.

How Alerty Frontend Monitoring Works

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Connect Resources

Connect your URL, JavaScript application, and DB resources to Alerty.

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Add Agents

Add Agents to help monitor parts of your app just like a human does.

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Alerty will add monitors and start monitoring your app's resources for you.

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Get Alerted

Get alerted when you're stack is having an issue to proactively stop outages.