Alerty Blog

Understanding Node Observability & 9 Best Tools For Comprehensive Visibility

Written by Jack Dwyer | Aug 15, 2024 10:23:46 AM

If your Node.js app has ever crashed in production, you know how stressful it can be to figure out what went wrong. With users experiencing interruptions or losing data, time is of the essence as you work to identify the root cause of the issue so you can fix it and get your application back up and running. Node observability can help you avoid such stressful scenarios by providing the tools to monitor your application closely so you can spot potential issues before they snowball into major problems. This blog will explore the significance of Node observability, particularly within the context of Node.js logging, as well as helpful tools and methodologies to improve observability for your Node.js applications.  

Node.js logging is a solution by Alerty that helps achieve your observability goals by providing detailed logs that can help you understand how your application behaves in production and quickly identify any errors that occur.

Table of Contents

What Is Observability In Node.JS?

Logging is your application’s way of keeping a diary. When things happen—errors, warnings, or just routine information—your app writes it down. In Node.js, you use logging libraries like Winston or Pino to record these events. 

Good logging helps you track issues by providing detailed records of what your application was doing at any given time. You can look at your logs to determine what happened if something goes wrong.

Metrics: The Heartbeat of Your Node.JS Application

Metrics give you a quantitative view of how your application is performing. Think of them as the vital signs of your app. In Node.js, you can use libraries like prom-client to gather metrics like:

  • Response times
  • Memory usage
  • Request counts

These metrics help you monitor the health of your application in real-time and can alert you when something’s not quite right, like when your server starts slowing down.

Tracing: The GPS of Your Node.JS Application

Tracing lets you follow a request's path through your application. It helps you understand how a request travels through different parts of your application and where time is being spent. Observability tools can be integrated with Node.js to collect tracing data. This is particularly useful for diagnosing performance bottlenecks or determining where a particular request lingers.

Why You Need Observability In Node.JS

Remote Debugging: Fix Issues From Anywhere

Observability tools let you debug your code remotely. So, you don’t have to be physically present to fix problems. Whether you're dealing with a bug in production or need to track down an issue in a staging environment, observability lets you peek inside your application from anywhere. It's like having a powerful diagnostic tool that helps you fix issues without being on-site.

Investigate Issues Quickly

When things go wrong, time is of the essence. Observability allows you to dig into problems swiftly. With detailed logs, metrics, and traces, you can pinpoint the root cause of issues more efficiently. 

It’s like having a high-resolution camera that zooms in on exactly where things are breaking down, allowing you to address the problem head-on.

Fix Issues Before They Occur

One of the best observability features is its proactive nature. By tracing requests and monitoring performance, you can spot potential problems before they actually impact your users. It’s like having a crystal ball that lets you foresee issues and take action before they become major headaches.

Monitor Application Health

Observability ensures you’re always aware of your application’s health. Instead of playing a guessing game about whether everything is running smoothly, you have a constant stream of data and insights. This means you can relax, knowing you’re closely monitoring your app’s:

  • Performance
  • Stability

Proactive Monitoring

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's NodeJS logging tool today!

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Node Monitoring vs Node Observability

Node observability and monitoring aren’t the same. While both help you understand what’s happening with your applications, they do so in different ways. 

Monitoring gives you access to high-level metrics about your application, letting you know if something is wrong. Observability helps you understand why something is wrong.

Events vs. Statistics

Monitoring and observability are two different approaches to understanding your application’s behavior. Monitoring is like checking the status lights on a control panel. 

It gives you high-level statistics, like whether your server is up or down or how much CPU it’s using. These metrics help determine if something is wrong but don’t provide the whole picture.

Deep System Insights

Observability, on the other hand, is akin to having a comprehensive log of every system event. It's like running a command in Linux and not just receiving a success or failure message but also detailed information about:

  • File changes
  • Timestamps
  • User actions

Observability provides rich, detailed insights into every event and interaction within your application, offering a comprehensive understanding of the why and how behind the statistics.

Real-time Feedback

The second key difference is the nature of the feedback. Monitoring typically provides periodic updates or alerts based on predefined thresholds. For example, you might set a monitor to alert you if CPU usage exceeds 80% over 10 minutes. 

This gives you a lagging view of performance, and you often have to wait until the data is collected and processed before you get any insights.

Real-Time Visibility

Observability is all about immediate feedback. It lets you see what’s happening in your system as it unfolds. Observability tools can provide this immediate visibility if you’re running a website and you want to know instantly if a user attempts to access a specific page or if a request fails. 

This real-time troubleshooting capability can be a game-changer. It allows you to diagnose and resolve issues on the fly, enhancing your application's responsiveness. 

Complementary Tools

While monitoring is excellent for monitoring overall system health and catching issues based on predefined thresholds, observability tools like Alerty dive deeper, providing detailed insights into every aspect of your application’s behavior with detailed logs and offering real-time feedback. 

Both are crucial, but they serve different purposes. Together, they give you a more complete picture of your system's:

  • Performance 
  • Health 

Different Ways To Use Observability

Debugging Distributed Systems with Logs and Traces

Distributed systems operate like a puzzle made up of thousands of pieces. Finding the right piece becomes much easier with observability when something goes wrong. You can quickly pinpoint the logs and traces associated with the system's failure instead of scanning every piece for a clue. 

Logs and traces provide detailed information about what’s happening at various points in your system, allowing you to see exactly where things went wrong. If an API call is failing or taking too long, you can use traces to follow the path of a request from start to finish to pinpoint the exact point where the delay or error occurs. This way, you’re not left guessing; you have precise information to diagnose and fix the issue quickly.

Analyzing System Performance with Metrics

Metrics track key indicators like:

  • Response times
  • Error rates
  • Resource usage

They provide a snapshot of how well your system is functioning. Think of them as a dashboard in a car, giving you real-time data on:

  • Speed
  • Fuel levels
  • Engine performance

Metric Analysis

By analyzing these metrics, you can monitor trends over time, which helps you understand the impact of changes or improvements. If you’ve optimized a particular part of your application, you can use metrics to see if it’s leading to faster response times or reduced errors. 

Metrics help you understand how different system components interact so you can identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. If one service overloads the system while another is underutilized, metrics will help you spot that imbalance.

What Are Node Observability Tools?

Node observability tools monitor and trace Node.js applications in detail. They help developers understand what’s happening within their apps on a granular level. If there’s a bug or performance issue, observability tools help pinpoint precisely where it’s occurring and why. They:

  • Record events
  • Trace interactions,
  • Provide a comprehensive view of your application's functioning in real-time.

Observability vs. Monitoring Tools

Let’s clarify the difference between a general monitoring tool and a Node.js-specific observability tool.

Monitoring Tools

Think of these as the gauges on your car’s dashboard. They tell you how much fuel you have, how fast you’re going, and how the engine performs. In the context of servers, monitoring tools show you data like:

  • RAM usage
  • CPU load
  • The number of incoming requests

They provide a snapshot of what’s happening but don’t dive into the why behind those numbers. If your server is slow, a monitoring tool will show you it’s using a lot of CPU but won’t tell you what’s causing that high CPU usage.

Node.js-Specific Observability Tools

These are more like having a mechanic’s diagnostic tool that tells you what’s wrong and why it’s happening. For Node.js applications, these tools can:

  • Trace individual requests through your system
  • Record detailed events
  • Show you precisely what happened at each step

Deep-Dive Analysis

If there’s an error or a performance bottleneck, these tools provide context and details about what caused the issue. You might see which database query or API call caused a delay or error.

While monitoring tools give you a broad view of your system’s health, Node.js-specific observability tools offer a detailed, actionable understanding of your application’s behavior. They help you go beyond just seeing something wrong—they help you figure out why and how to fix it.

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9 Best Node Observability Tools For Comprehensive Visibility

1. Alerty

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management

It supports technologies like NextJS, React, Vue, and Node.js, helping developers identify and fix issues. Alerty monitors databases such as:

  • Supabase
  • PostgreSQL
  • RDS, tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption

Alerty Features

Alerty features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience. Its Universal Service Monitoring covers dependencies like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's NodeJS logging tool today!

2. New Relic

New Relic stands out with its comprehensive monitoring capabilities tailored for Node.js applications. It offers real-time performance monitoring, allowing you to track key metrics such as:

This helps you understand how your application performs at any given moment. Additionally, New Relic provides error analytics that pinpoint problematic lines of code, enabling rapid issue resolution. The service maps feature visualizes your application’s architecture, which is instrumental in:

  • Identifying bottlenecks
  • Understanding dependencies

3. Dynatrace

Dynatrace delivers end-to-end observability with a focus on intelligent automation. Its anomaly detection uses AI to spot performance irregularities and provide insights into your application's overall health. This proactive approach helps address potential issues before they escalate. 

Dynatrace also allows you to create custom dashboards for tailored visibility of your metrics and tracks critical business processes to optimize performance based on fundamental user interactions.

4. PM2

PM2 is renowned as a process manager but has robust monitoring capabilities. It ensures your application processes are consistently managed and automatically restarted if necessary. 

PM2 provides real-time CPU and memory usage metrics and detailed application logs, offering a comprehensive view of your application’s operational health.

5. Raygun

Raygun focuses on real-time performance monitoring and error tracking, making it ideal for quickly identifying and addressing issues. Its crash reporting feature provides valuable insights into:

  • Application crashes
  • Performance problems. 

Additionally, Raygun monitors user experiences, helping you understand how users interact with your application and where improvements can be made.

6. Better Stack

Better Stack combines logging and uptime monitoring into a unified solution. It offers incident management by alerting your team about any irregularities in application behavior, ensuring timely responses to potential issues. 

Better Stack’s log management centralizes log data, making troubleshooting and analyzing application performance easier.

7. Clinic.js

Clinic.js is a suite of tools specifically designed to diagnose performance issues in Node.js applications. It excels at performance profiling, helping you identify and address bottlenecks. 

Clinic.js also visualizes performance data, making complex information more accessible and easier to analyze.

8. Datadog

Datadog offers a comprehensive application performance monitoring (APM) solution that supports Node.js. It provides end-to-end distributed tracing, which monitors your application across various services and correlates frontend and backend data. 

This holistic view provides a complete picture of your application’s performance. Datadog also tracks the health of service dependencies, which is crucial for maintaining overall system performance.

9. Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus and Grafana form a powerful open-source combination for monitoring and visualization. Prometheus collects detailed metrics from your Node.js applications, providing a deep understanding of performance. 

Grafana complements this by allowing you to create custom dashboards to visualize and analyze the collected data, offering a flexible approach to monitoring your application's health.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Tool For Node Observability

Comprehensive Visibility: Finding What is Happening in Your Node Application

The right observability tool provides a panoramic view of your Node application’s performance and behavior. Imagine you’re navigating a complex cityscape. If you only have a limited map, you might miss crucial details or get lost. 

An effective observability tool acts like a detailed, real-time map of your application. It shows you where issues are cropping up, how different parts of your system interact, and where you might need adjustments.

Advanced Analytics Capabilities: The Ability to Spot Trends and Make Data-Driven Decisions

Next, let’s talk about analytics. It’s not just about gathering data; it’s about understanding it. A powerful observability tool provides advanced analytics capabilities, helping you sift through the noise to find actionable insights. 

This means you can spot trends, identify potential issues before they become critical, and make informed decisions based on a solid understanding of your system’s behavior.

Improved Team Collaboration: Observability Tools Help Everyone Get on the Same Page

Observability tools also enhance team collaboration. When everyone can access the same detailed insights, working together to solve problems is more accessible. Think of it like having a shared dashboard where everyone can see what’s happening in real time. 

This transparency helps streamline communication and ensures everyone is on the same page when addressing issues or planning improvements.

Data-Driven Decisions: Reacting Quickly to Issues as They Arise

With the right tool, you can make data-driven decisions quickly and accurately. It’s like having a coach who can provide real-time feedback and adjust strategies on the fly. This ability to react promptly and make informed choices can be a game-changer, especially when dealing with complex systems or high-stakes environments.

Meeting Compliance Requirements: Achieve and Maintain Industry Standards

Lastly, compliance with regulations like PCI DSS or HIPAA is a must for many organizations. Observability tools help track and manage system performance in a way that supports these compliance requirements. They ensure that you’re meeting industry standards and can provide the necessary documentation and reporting to prove it.

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users with Alerty's NodeJS Logging Tool

An overview of Alerty, a cloud monitoring solution for developers and startups Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management

It supports technologies like:

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Node.js, helping developers identify and fix issues

Database Monitoring

Alerty monitors databases such as:

  • Supabase
  • PostgreSQL
  • RDS, tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption

It features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience. Its Universal Service Monitoring covers dependencies like:

  • Stripe API
  • OpenAI
  • Vercel

AI-Powered Simplicity

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's NodeJS logging tool today!

What are the benefits of using Alerty for Node.js logging?

A look at the advantages of using Alerty to track and analyze Node.js logs Using Alerty to monitor and analyze Node.js logs provides numerous benefits for developers and teams. First, Alerty helps you catch issues early before they affect your users. Its incident management features allow you to quickly respond to problems and reduce downtime. 

The platform also uses AI to eliminate noisy data and surface actionable insights so you can effectively address errors and performance issues. Alerty seamlessly integrates with tools your team may already use, like Sentry. This helps create a more cohesive monitoring environment for your Node.js applications.

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