Alerty Blog

A Comprehensive Guide On Front End Performance Testing

Written by Jack Dwyer | Sep 5, 2024 11:31:38 AM

A slow website can feel like a death sentence for a business. With so many alternatives available, users won’t hesitate to abandon your site for a competitor if it doesn’t load fast enough. If you’re losing customers for the sake of a few extra seconds, it’s time to find out what’s going on and fix it. Front end monitoring tools can help you run tests to identify issues affecting your website’s speed, so you can boost your performance and improve the user experience. We’ll also introduce you to a frontend monitoring solution from Alerty to help you achieve your objectives.

Table of Contents

What Is Front End Performance Testing?

Frontend performance testing evaluates the speed and responsiveness of a website or web application from the user’s perspective. While backend performance focuses on server-side processes that users don’t see, frontend performance testing targets the ‘visible’ parts of a site. Also known as frontend performance optimization, the process looks at how quickly and smoothly the elements that users interact with load. This includes:

  • The time it takes for different page parts to appear when a user navigates to it
  • How responsive those elements are to user interactions

Why Frontend Performance Testing Matters

Frontend performance testing is crucial for enhancing user experience and reducing website abandonment. Research shows that:

  • 88% of users will likely leave a site after a negative experience.
  • 74% may return if that experience improves.
  • 53% of users will abandon a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load.

Given these statistics, it’s easy to see how optimizing frontend performance can help businesses retain customers and improve conversion rates.  On the other hand, neglecting frontend performance can alienate users, leading to lost revenue and diminished market reputation. 

Key Frontend Performance Testing Metrics

When testing frontend performance, several key metrics can help determine how well a site is performing. Here are some of the most important metrics to track: 

  • Speed Index: This metric measures the average time it takes for all visible parts of a page to load. A lower Speed Index indicates that the content is loading quickly, which is essential for keeping users engaged.
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): FCP measures the time it takes for the first piece of content to appear on the screen. This is a critical moment in the user experience, as it gives the impression that the page is loading and functioning correctly.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI): TTI tracks how long it takes for a page to become fully interactive, meaning that users can click on buttons, fill out forms, or interact with other elements without delay. A fast TTI is vital for ensuring that users can engage with the site as soon as possible.
  • First Meaningful Paint (FMP): This metric measures when the primary content of a page becomes visible. It’s important because it represents the point at which the user feels the page has loaded enough to start engaging with it.
  • Input Latency: Input latency measures the delay between a user’s input (like a click or keystroke) and the page’s response. High input latency can lead to frustration and negatively impact the user experience.

While backend performance testing is often prioritized because it addresses critical bottlenecks in data processing and server responses, only about 1% of companies perform frontend performance testing. This gap can lead to a disconnect between the backend’s efficiency and the frontend’s user experience. 

Related Reading

How Do Businesses Benefit From Front End Performance Testing?

User Experience (UX) & Conversions: The Frontend Performance Connection

User experience (UX) is a significant driver of conversions. Research shows that 74% of companies acknowledge that UX can either make or break their business. Imagine a scenario where a poorly optimized interface disrupts critical workflows, like the checkout process; it's a recipe for lost sales. In fact, 80% of users are willing to pay more for services that offer a pleasant UX, which in turn boosts sales. 

On the flip side, 91% of users who are dissatisfied with their experience won’t bother to complain; they’ll just leave. Frontend performance testing allows businesses to explore the user interface and ensure that every element loads efficiently. This is particularly crucial during key moments like checkout, where any delay can result in abandoned carts and lost revenue. 

Speed Impacts Loyalty

Speed is synonymous with efficiency. A 1-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversion rates. Conversely, a website that loads in just 1 second can achieve a conversion rate five times higher than one that takes 10 seconds to load. Customers have high expectations for speed; when a page loads in 0.1 seconds, it creates the illusion of an instantaneous response, which is highly satisfying for users. 

Even a 1-second delay is noticeable, and by the 10-second mark, even the most loyal customers may lose patience and leave. As websites and mobile pages have become significantly heavier, web pages by over 200% and mobile pages by over 700%, the risk of slow load times has increased. This has led to an estimated $2.6 billion in annual revenue loss across industries. Optimizing page load times through frontend performance testing is the key to addressing this issue and retaining customers.

Speed Affects Website Traffic

The frontend is responsible for around 80% of a page's load time. This speed not only affects user experience but also plays a critical role in search engine rankings. Faster websites rank higher in search results, which leads to increased website traffic. More traffic often translates to more opportunities for conversions and, ultimately, higher profits. 

Frontend Performance Weighs on Brand Positioning

Your brand's reputation is closely tied to your website's performance. If customers experience slow load times or other performance issues, they are likely to share their negative experiences. 44% of unhappy customers will do so, with 13% of them spreading the word to at least 15 people. This kind of negative publicity can severely damage your brand's reputation. 

Frontend performance testing helps businesses identify and resolve load-related issues before a website or application is launched. By ensuring that your platform is fast, responsive, and user-friendly, you position your brand as modern, reliable, and customer-focused.

Front End Performance Testing vs Browser-Based Performance Testing

Frontend performance testing focuses on an application's end-user experience. It identifies issues that impact how quickly a user can interact with a website or application. This is usually done by measuring round-trip metrics to simulate what happens when a user requests a page. The fewer the requests and the quicker the response times, the better the frontend performance. 

A frontend performance test is usually performed to ensure that an application's end-user experience is ideal. It is an interface-level test that measures round-trip metrics to identify issues like rendering speed, UI lags, and sudden shifts in page elements. One of the popular tools for measuring frontend performance is Google Lighthouse. 

Browser-Based Tests: The Real User Experience

Browser-based performance uses real browsers, where the test script has instructions to navigate to a page, interact with buttons or other fields, and complete a user flow. All user actions might, in turn, trigger API requests from the browser to the application backend. 

Unlike frontend performance tests, these tests verify both the frontend and backend performances by simulating real user actions using a real browser. Additionally, browser-based tests operate in scale with multiple browsers to generate a sizeable load to test the application backend’s performance. 

Alerty: Your Early Warning System for Application Performance Issues

Alerty helps developers and startups catch issues before they affect users. Try Alerty’s free APM solution today! 

Related Reading

Backend vs. Front End Performance

Frontend Performance: The Data User Experience

Frontend performance focuses on everything that the user directly interacts with—the visual and interactive elements of a website or application. This includes how quickly a page loads, how smoothly animations run, and how fast the site responds to user inputs. Essentially, it’s all about the user experience.  Frontend performance is directly tied to user retention and satisfaction. 

Studies show that 88% of users are less likely to return to a site after a negative experience, while 53% will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. This is why frontend performance testing is essential; it allows developers to measure and improve key metrics like page load time, responsiveness, and overall user experience. 

Backend Performance: The Behind-the-Scenes Processes

Backend performance deals with the behind-the-scenes aspects of a website or application everything that happens on the server side. This includes databases, APIs, server logic, and other processes that are not directly visible to the user but are crucial for the functionality of the frontend. The backend is the engine that drives the frontend. 

If the backend is slow or unresponsive, it doesn’t matter how well-optimized the frontend is, users will still:

  • Experience delays
  • Empty pages
  • Failed transactions

For example, while the frontend is responsible for displaying a user’s shopping cart, the backend handles tasks like:

  • Retrieving item data
  • Processing payments
  • Updating inventories

If these backend processes are slow, the entire user experience suffers. 

Key Backend Performance Considerations

Backend performance testing focuses on aspects like: 

  • Database performance: How quickly and efficiently the database can retrieve and store data. 
  • API response times: How fast the backend can process and respond to requests from the frontend. 
  • Server logic: The efficiency of the code that runs on the server, ensuring it can handle complex tasks without causing delays. 

Optimizing the backend is crucial for ensuring that the front end can deliver a smooth and fast user experience. 

The Balance Between Frontend and Backend

While frontend and backend performance are distinct, they are deeply interconnected. A highly optimized frontend can still be hindered by a sluggish backend, and a poorly performing frontend can undermine a fast backend. To deliver a truly seamless user experience, both frontend and backend performance must be carefully managed and optimized. 

For businesses looking to enhance their digital platforms, it’s often recommended that they start with backend performance testing. By ensuring that the backend processes are efficient and reliable, you create a solid foundation for the front end to deliver an exceptional user experience.

How To Measure Performance On Front End?

To improve frontend performance, start by analyzing user flow on your website or application. Understanding the typical user journey helps you identify the most critical pages to your business objectives. For instance, on an e-commerce site, you might focus on product pages, checkout processes, and cart functions. These pages need to perform well because they directly impact conversion rates. By identifying the most important pages, you can target your performance tests to uncover issues and optimize the user experience.

Selecting Metrics to Measure Frontend Performance

Select the relevant metrics to measure frontend performance. The right metrics will help you uncover issues with the user experience. For frontend performance, some of the most important metrics include: 

  • Performance Score: This is a comprehensive rating that takes into account various aspects of page performance.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI): This metric measures how long it takes for a page to become fully interactive, meaning users can click buttons, scroll, and type without delay.
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): FCP tracks the time it takes for the first piece of content to appear on the screen.
  • Time to First Meaningful Paint (FMP): This metric tracks when a page's primary content is visible and useful to the user.

Metrics like TTI and FMP are particularly important for e-commerce sites because they directly impact user satisfaction and conversion rates.

Choosing Tools for Frontend Performance Testing

Choose the right front-end performance testing tools. Each offers unique features, so select the ones that best fit your platform's needs and your team's expertise. Using the right tools can boost efficiency and reduce performance testing costs. 

Prioritizing Application Experiences During Testing

Not all pages are created equal. When measuring frontend performance, prioritize the most critical application experiences for your users and business goals. This might mean testing your:

  • Homepage
  • Product pages
  • Checkout processes 

By focusing on these high-impact areas, you can make significant improvements where they matter most. 

Combining Frontend and Backend Performance Testing

For the best results, consider integrating both frontend and backend performance testing. While frontend testing focuses on the user interface and experience, backend testing ensures that the server-side operations supporting the frontend are optimized. Together, these tests provide a comprehensive view of your platform's performance, helping you address issues across the entire stack.

What Is End-to-End Performance Testing?

End-to-end testing replicates real user behavior to track its effects across an entire stack. When doing end-to-end testing on a web app, you might do:

You might also replicate actions in a typical user flow. For performance, you need to think about the entire workflow and how long a request took to be processed by each component. Writing scripts that access the application the same way users would, such as by browsing to the homepage before finding their way to other parts of the website, is also a common practice. 

End-to-end testing is broader in scope than component testing, but shallower in depth. With end-to-end testing, you get a better idea of the full user experience of the application as a whole. It can also be more complex to troubleshoot, as you have more components to monitor and more places to look for issues that are found. End-to-end testing is based on real user behavior, so it’s often important that end-to-end test scripts also be realistic.

5 Best Front End Performance Optimization Tips

1. Consider CSS

CSS is crucial for styling your website, but when it's bloated with unnecessary code, it can slow down loading times. To enhance performance, start by reviewing your CSS files. Look for any unused or redundant styles that can be removed or consolidated. 

Tools like PurifyCSS or UnCSS can help you pinpoint and eliminate these inefficiencies. Streamlining your CSS not only speeds up rendering but also helps maintain cleaner, more manageable code.  

2. Minimize External HTTP Requests

Each external HTTP request increases the time it takes for your page to load. JavaScript files, images, and other assets can all contribute to these delays. Aim to reduce the number of requests by combining files where possible and eliminating unnecessary plugins or third-party scripts. For instance, consider combining multiple JavaScript files into one or using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your assets more efficiently. 

3. Prefetch

Prefetching is a technique used to improve perceived performance by loading content before it's actually needed. This can include prerendering pages that users are likely to visit next, link prefetching to prepare resources for links users are expected to click, or DNS prefetching to resolve domain names ahead of time. By anticipating user actions, you can significantly reduce wait times and create a smoother browsing experience.

4. Use GZip Compression

GZip compression is a powerful tool for reducing the size of your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. When these files are compressed, they take up less bandwidth and load faster. Enabling GZip compression on your server is a straightforward way to enhance performance without making substantial changes to your code. Most modern web servers and hosting providers support GZip compression, so check your server settings or consult with your hosting provider to activate it.

5. Optimize Visuals

Images are often the largest files on a web page, so optimizing them is essential for fast loading times. Use image editing tools to compress images without sacrificing quality. Remove unnecessary metadata such as:

  • Camera specifications
  • Dates
  • Locations

Formats like WebP or tools like ImageOptim can further reduce image sizes while preserving visual quality. Consider implementing responsive images that adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring users receive images that are appropriately sized for their devices.

6 Best Tools For Front End Performance Testing

1. Alerty: Efficient Performance Monitoring for Developers and Startups

Alerty is a cloud monitoring service for developers and early-stage startups, offering:

  • Application performance monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Incident management

It supports technologies like NextJS, React, Vue, and Node.js, helping developers identify and fix issues. 

  • Alerty monitors databases such as Supabase, PostgreSQL, and RDS
  • Tracking key metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption
  • It features quick incident management and Real User Monitoring (RUM) to optimize user experience
  • Its universal service monitoring covers dependencies like Stripe API, OpenAI, and Vercel 

Alerty uses AI to simplify setup, providing a cost-effective solution compared to competitors. It is designed for ease of use, allowing quick setup, and integrates with tools like Sentry, making it ideal for developers and small teams needing efficient, affordable monitoring. 

Catch issues before they affect your users with Alerty's free APM solution today!

2. Lighthouse: A Free and Open Source Frontend Testing Tool

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It can be used to:

  • Audit the performance
  • Accessibility
  • SEO of any web page

Lighthouse runs a series of tests on a webpage and generates a report on ways to improve that page. It's a Chrome extension and can run from the command line. Some key features of Lighthouse: 

  • Provides an overall performance score and identifies opportunities for improvement 
  • Measures key performance metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) 
  • Audits for accessibility, best practices, SEO, and more 
  • Generates detailed reports with actionable recommendations 
  • Can be integrated into CI/CD workflows for continuous testing

3. WebPageTest: A Unique Way to Test Your Website's Performance

WebPageTest is a free website speed test that analyzes a webpage's performance from multiple locations using real browsers. It provides detailed metrics and filmstrip views of how a page loads. WebPageTest can be used to test both desktop and mobile performance. Key capabilities of WebPageTest: 

  • Runs tests from multiple locations and devices.
  • Captures detailed performance metrics like load times, time to first byte, and more.
  • Provides filmstrip views and video captures of page loads.
  • Supports custom scripts and advanced testing scenarios.
  • Generates comprehensive reports with performance insights.

4. Pingdom: An All Arounf Website Monitoring Tool

Pingdom is a popular website monitoring and performance testing tool. It allows you to test the speed of your website from multiple locations around the world. Pingdom provides detailed performance reports with actionable recommendations to improve your site's speed and uptime. Some notable features of Pingdom: 

  • Measures page load time, page size, requests, and more.
  • Provides performance grades and performance scores.
  • Identifies performance bottlenecks and optimization opportunities.
  • Offers real-time monitoring and uptime tracking.
  • Integrates with various tools like Slack, PagerDuty, and more

5. LoadRunner: An Enterprise Load Testing Tool

LoadRunner is an enterprise-grade load testing tool used to test applications under heavy loads. It simulates real-world user activity to identify performance bottlenecks. LoadRunner supports testing of web applications, mobile apps, and APIs. Key capabilities of LoadRunner: 

  • Simulates thousands of concurrent virtual users.
  • Supports testing of web, mobile, and API technologies.
  • Provides real-time performance monitoring and analysis.
  • Integrates with ALM tools like Jira and Azure DevOps.
  • Offers advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.

6. LoadNinja: A Cloud-Based Load Testing Tool

LoadNinja is a cloud-based load testing tool that makes creating and executing load tests easy. It uses real browsers to simulate user actions and measure performance. LoadNinja provides detailed analytics and reporting to help identify performance issues. Notable features of LoadNinja: 

  • Uses real browsers to simulate user actions.
  • Provides visual scripting for easy test creation.
  • Offers geo-load testing from multiple locations.
  • Integrates with popular tools like Jenkins and Jira.
  • Provides detailed analytics and reporting.

Related Reading

  • Dynatrace Pricing
  • End User Experience Monitoring Tools
  • Web Applications Monitoring Tools
  • Logrocket Alternatives
  • API Monitoring
  • Bugsnag Alternatives
  • Javascript Monitoring Tools
  • Opentelemetry Alternatives
  • End User Monitoring
  • Pingdom Alternatives
  • Manageengine Alternatives
  • Rollbar Alternatives

Catch Issues Before They Affect Your Users with Alerty's Free APM Solution

Alerty is a monitoring tool focused on helping developers and small teams understand how their applications perform. The tool's ease of use and AI-driven features help users set it up quickly, with integrated real user monitoring capabilities to kickstart performance testing.