Alerty Blog

Boost Your Query Performance with Alerty's Database Agent for Supabase, RDS, and Postgres

Written by Jack Dwyer | Jul 25, 2024 4:34:34 PM

In today's software landscape, with short attention spans and high expectations, maintaining database performance is crucial for any application's success. What if you could outsource that? Well now you can. Enlist the help of an AI assistant that continuously monitors your database and suggests improvements.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to set up an AI agent to monitor your Supabase database performance and provide valuable insights.

Getting Started with Supabase Monitoring

Connecting your Supabase project is a breeze. All you need is your project URL and API key. Once connected, you'll start receiving data on various metrics, including CPU usage. This real-time information is useful for understanding your database's performance patterns.

Creating an AI Agent for Performance Monitoring

To take your database monitoring from basic metrics to a comprehensive analysis, we can create an AI agent. Here's how:

  1. Navigate to the "Agents" section in your monitoring dashboard.
  2. Click "Add Agent" to begin the configuration process.
  3. Select your database from the available options.
  4. Set the run frequency for the agent.
  5. Give your agent a descriptive name.
  6. Click "Create and Run Agent" to activate it.

Once your agent is up and running, it will start analyzing your database's performance data. In our example, we focused on CPU usage, but you can monitor various other metrics depending on your needs.

AI-Powered Insights

The real magic happens when the AI agent begins to provide insights. By analyzing patterns in your CPU usage data, the agent can identify potential issues and suggest optimizations. For instance, if there are recurring spikes in CPU usage, the AI might investigate the cause and offer solutions to mitigate these performance bottlenecks.

These AI-generated insights can be incredibly valuable for database administrators and developers. They can help you:

  • Identify performance issues before they become critical
  • Optimize query performance
  • Improve resource allocation
  • Plan for future scaling needs


Implementing an AI agent to monitor your Supabase database performance is a small step you can make to get a ton of value. It provides you with round-the-clock monitoring and intelligent insights, allowing you to maintain peak database performance with less manual intervention.

By following the steps outlined in this post and the accompanying video tutorial, you'll be well on your way to leveraging AI for better database management. Stay tuned for more tips on optimizing your Supabase projects!